Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scary Milk!!

I had a moment yesterday.... I bought a carton of milk and as I was putting it in the fridge I noticed something VERY frightening on the box. This milk will not expire until AFTER my due date!! Yikes! How crazy is that? Ok, so it IS the organic kind with a crazy long shelf life (for milk, anyway) but STILL... the fact there is a perishable food item in my refrigerator that could outlive my pregnancy gives me little fits of panic.

People keep asking me if I am "so ready for the pregnancy to be over." My answer is a definite NO. I feel pretty wonderful most of the time and I am thrilled to still have a few more weeks to prepare. Baby H can just stay in there as long as he wants... well, within reason. :)

Now everytime I open the fridge the milk is staring at me... like it knows...


Rebecca said...

Once we get preggers, we'll switch over to organics too, but we're going to enjoy the cheaper prices for a little bit longer!

Jaime said...

Um, I don't know if I speak for all the people that haven't seen you got married....but I would LOVE to see some preggo Mel pics!! We should see Baby H before we SEE Baby H!! :)

Raina said...

That story reminds me of a moment when I was engaged to Chris and saw a preview for a movie that was coming out after the wedding date ("Signs" was the movie--crazy I remember that!) It was the only three hours of our engagement that I had cold feet. I seriously thought I was going to throw up for awhile! Then I talked to Chris on the phone, and I immediately felt better. I didn't have to see the preview every day though...